NuLink Worker Installation

NuLink can be run either from a docker container or via local installation. Running Nulink via a docker container simplifies the installation process and negates the need for a local installation. Therefore, it is recommended that you use docker for installation.

Docker install and update

  1. Pull the latest NuLink image.

    docker pull nulink/nulink:latest
  2. Create a directory in your host machine for later usage.

    cd /root
    mkdir nulink
  3. Copy the keystore file of the Worker account to the host directory selected in step 3. The private file generated by NuLink Worker will also be stored in this directory.

    cp /root/geth-linux-amd64-1.10.23-d901d853/keystore/* /root/nulink

    Please ensure that this directory has 777 permissions:

    chmod -R 777 /root/nulink

Local Install

NuLink supports Python 3.9. If you don’t already have it, install Python.

apt install python3-pip

In order to isolate global system dependencies from nulink-specific dependencies, we highly recommend using python-virtualenv to install nulink inside a dedicated virtual environment.

For full documentation on virtualenv see:

pip install virtualenv
  1. Create a Virtual Environment

    Create a virtual environment in a folder somewhere on your machine. This virtual environment is a self-contained directory tree that will contain a python installation for a particular version of Python, and various installed packages needed to run the node.

    virtualenv /root/nulink-venv
  2. Activate the newly created virtual environment

    source /root/nulink-venv/bin/activate
  3. Download built package or Download source package and install the Nulink package Download the python package:


    Install the python package:

    pip install nulink-0.5.0-py3-none-any.whl
  4. Verify Installation

    Before continuing, verify that your Nulink installation and entry points are functional.

    Activate your virtual environment, if not activated already:

    source /root/nulink-venv/bin/activate

    Next, verify nulink is importable. No response is successful, silence is golden:

    python -c "import nulink"

    Then, run the nulink --help command:

    nulink --help

    You will get this output:

    Usage: nulink [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
      Top level command for all things nulink.
      --version       Echo the CLI version
      --config-path   Echo the configuration root directory path
      --logging-path  Echo the logging root directory path
      --help          Show this message and exit.
      alice     "Alice the Policy Authority" management commands.
      bob       "Bob management commands.
      bond      Bond an operator to a staking provider.
      contacts  Lightweight contacts utility to store public keys of known...
      enrico    "Enrico the Encryptor" management commands.
      porter    Porter management commands.
      status    Echo a snapshot of live NuLink Network metadata.
      unbond    Unbonds an operator from an authorized staking provider.
      ursula    "Ursula the Untrusted" PRE Re-encryption node management...

Last updated