NuLink SDK

NuLink SDK is a software development kit designed to support privacy computing in the NuLink network.

Build & Install

Build Source

1. Rename .env.example to .env
2. Modify config:
  // The SDK backend testnet server address. In the NuLink testnet,
  // you can use the address:
  // Your IPFS address, requires permission to write data. In the NuLink testnet,
  // you can use the address:
  // The NuLink porter address. In the NuLink testnet,
  // you can use the address:
  // The BSC testnet Web3 RPC URL. Example:

3. yarn install
4. yarn build:main

Install via npm

npm i @nulink_network/nulink-sdk


yarn add @nulink_network/nulink-sdk

API docs

The Classes

  • NulinkHDWallet: The module mainly includes interfaces for nulink wallet related operations.

  • AccountManager: The module mainly responsible for managing multiple Account objects. AccountManager is a property of the NulinkHDWallet wallet object.

  • Account: The module mainly includes interfaces for nulink wallet account related operations. Account is a property of the AccountManager object.

  • Strategy: The module is mainly used to encrypt user files for file uploading using private keys.

The Functions

  • Functions: The module mainly includes interfaces for file encryption and uploading, as well as operations related to interacting with the blockchain.

API Details

Usage Example

See NuLink SDK Examples to get how to use NuLink SDK.

Last updated