
After logging in, the left frame is for staking participants. Clicking "STAKE NLK NOW" will return to the "Staking Reward Distribution" page (1 -> 4), where you can select the slot you want to stake in. Click "STAKE" to enter the Manage Staking page.

This page provides access points for two roles: Stake Participant and Grid Manager. Participation in staking requires users to log in first. Click Sign In at the top right, which will prompt the wallet authorization. Here, we will use the Metamask wallet as an example.

Staing NLK & Earn Rewards

After logging in, the left section is for staking participants. Clicking STAKE NLK NOW will return to the Staking Reward Distribution page, where you can select the slot you want to stake in, Click STAKE to enter the Manage Staking page.

Manage Staking

This page displays detailed information about your staking in the selected slot, including principal, staking rewards, etc. The key difference between MY STAKING IN POOL and PENDING STAKING AMOUNT is that MY STAKING IN POOL represents the amount that has already taken effect during the current epoch, while PENDING STAKING AMOUNT represents the amount staked during the current epoch, which will take effect in the next epoch.


Click STAKE to stake your NLK, as shown below:

You can manually enter the amount you wish to stake or click MAX to input your entire balance. After confirming the amount, click STAKE, which will trigger a pop-up to confirm the staking details, including the start of interest accrual and the time of withdrawal. Click YES, I’M SURE to trigger the wallet for gas fee payment. Once paid, the staking is successful.


There are two types of unstaking: UNSTAKE AMOUNT FROM POOL and UNSTAKE, as shown below:

  • UNSTAKE AMOUNT FROM POOL will allow you to withdraw your principal after the current epoch ends.

  • UNSTAKE will allow you to withdraw pending principal immediately.

Claim Rewards

Interest is generated after each epoch ends. The interest will be settled and added to MY CLAIMABLE REWARDS. Users can then CLAIM REWARDS to transfer the interest to their wallet, as shown below:

Claim Principal

If you no longer wish to stake, you can withdraw all your principal by clicking CLAIM PRINCIPAL AMOUNT, as shown below:

Operation Records

Scroll down further to view your activity history in this grid, including actions such as Staking, Unstaking, Claim Principal, and Claim Rewards.

Staking Records

Click VIEW STAKING RECORDS to enter the Staking Records page, as shown below:

The page shows an overview of all your staking activity across all grids, including:

  • My Stake Grids: The number of slots you have staked in.

  • My Staking Amount in Pool: The total staked amount earning interest.

  • Pending Staking Amount: The total pending staked amount, which will take effect in the next epoch.

  • Claimable Principal Amount: The total amount of principal available for withdrawal.

  • MY CLAIMABLE REWARDS: The total rewards available for claiming.

  • MY ACCUMULATED REWARDS: The total accumulated rewards.

Scroll down to see the list of all slots you have staked in:

Click MANAGE to go to the Manage Staking page mentioned earlier.

Leverage Stake Grids

The right frame of the Staking page is for staking grid owners.

Click BID FOR STAKE GRIDS to go to the Auction page. Detailed rules can be found in the Auction section. Click MANAGE MY STAKE GRIDS to go to the My Stake Grids page, with details in the My Stake Grids section.

Last updated